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The Life and Times of Pancho Villa – Presentation


The Branigan Cultural Center presents The Life and Times of Pancho Villa on Saturday, March 2, at 1pm in conjunction with the Pancho Villa and the Mexican Revolution exhibit. The guest historian will be Dr. James Hester.

Dr. Hester – a Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Colorado – is currently a Senior Consulting Archaeologist with Walker Research Group, Ltd., an applied social sciences research organization. In the past he served as Chief Archaeologist for the President’s Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, consultant to the US Army Corp. of Engineers, and served as a consultant to the Department of Antiquities for the Republic of Cyprus. Dr. Hester has more than 80 scientific professional publications and numerous cultural resource inventories to his credit.

The program is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. The Branigan Cultural Center is located at 501 N. Main Street. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 9am to 4:30pm. For more information, contact the Branigan Cultural Center at (575) 541-2154 or visit the Center’s web site at


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